Drums That Sauce Vol.1 WAV MiDi-DiSCOVER

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如果您制作 Trap、Hip Hop、Drill、Pop 甚至 Future Bass,那么 Drums Th […]



如果您制作 Trap、Hip Hop、Drill、Pop 甚至 Future Bass,那么 Drums That Sauce 是完美的样本包。我们使用这个包的目标是创建俏皮、独特和新的鼓样本,它们在声音上仍然适合流行流派和当代趋势。我们厌倦了在几乎每个样本包中听到完全相同的底鼓、军鼓和鼓掌样??本。因此,如果您正在寻找听起来与其他人完全一样的类型节拍样本,那么这个包不适合您。
Drums That Sauce is the perfect sample pack if you produce Trap, Hip Hop, Drill, Pop, and even Future Bass. Our goal with this pack was to create saucy, unique, and new drum samples that still sonically fit into popular genres and contemporary trends. We got sick of hearing the exact same kick, snare, and clap samples in almost every sample pack. So if you’re looking for type beat samples that sound exactly like everyone else, this pack isn’t for you.
