Epic Vibe Melodies Vol.1 WAV-FANTASTiC

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Epic Vibe Melodies “Epic Vibe Melodies”样本套件是您立即制作另一首热门歌 […]



Epic Vibe Melodies “Epic Vibe Melodies”样本套件是您立即制作另一首热门歌曲所需要的。包中的所有旋律都是从零开始手工制作的,而且它们是免版税的!这些样本将为您提供即时灵感,以使用最新的现代声音制作节拍。无论您目前处于何种制作水平,这些专业声音都会为您的 DAW 带来热度。该样本套件包含为 Lil Baby、Future、Lil Durk、Drake 等嘻哈和说唱艺术家创作的旋律。这个包的疯狂之处在于,你得到了乐曲中每个乐器的词根。这意味着什么?你可以适应你的生产风格。来做饭吧!!! 15 Epic Vibe 旋律陷阱,嘻哈 Wav。文件 5 组茎准备拖放 Tempo 和 Key Labeled 100% 免版税
Epic Vibe Melodies The “Epic Vibe Melodies” sample kit is what you need to make another hit song instantly. All of the melodies in the pack have been handcrafted from scratch and they’re royalty-free! These samples will give you instant inspiration to make beats with the latest modern sound. It doesn’t matter what level you are currently at in production, these pro sounds will bring the heat to your DAW. This sample kit contains melodies for Hip Hop and Rap artists like Lil Baby, Future, Lil Durk, Drake & more. The insane thing about this pack, is you get the stems to every instrument in the composition. What does that mean? You get to make fit your production style. Let’s get cooking !!! 15 Epic Vibe Melodies Trap, Hip Hop Wav. Files 5 sets of stems ready to drag & drop Tempo and Key Labeled 100% Royalty Free
