Premium Trap And RnB WAV-DiSCOVER

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“Premium Trap & RnB” 充满了奇妙的深情节奏和优美的和声,这个 100% 免版税的系 […]



“Premium Trap & RnB” 充满了奇妙的深情节奏和优美的和声,这个 100% 免版税的系列将让您从聆听各个片段中获得乐趣,谈论如何制作一个新的富有表现力的声音调色板。一个漂亮的吸引人的合成器镜头和旋律,时尚的准备去鼓循环和镜头的声音,当然还有令人惊叹的人声。人声是由一位来自德克萨斯州的才华横溢的歌手录制的,但不用担心,在这个包中,您会发现两种人声变体,自然 & 处理,Adbils & Loops。如果您正在寻找精心打造的独特产品,那么您来对地方了。这个 100% 免版税的样品包非常适合设定新标准的生产商。
“Premium Trap & RnB” Filled with marvelous soulful rhythms and beautiful harmonies, this 100% Royalty-Free collection will give you pleasure from listening to the individual fragments, what to speak about making a new expressive sound palette. A beautiful collection of catchy Synth Shots & Melodies, stylish ready to go Drums Loops & Shots sounds and of course amazing Vocals. Vocals were recorded by an incredibly talented singer from Texas, but don’t worry in this pack you will find two variants of vocals, Natural & Processed, Adbils & Loops. If you’re looking for something unique, created with great care, you’ve come to the right place. This 100% Royalty-Free sample pack is great for producers who set new standards.
