Scorpio 3 WAV MiDi-DiSCOVER

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《天蝎座 3》是备受期待的受德雷克启发的《天蝎座》系列的第三部。这个包并没有让另一套五个鼓舞人心的构造套件失望 […]



《天蝎座 3》是备受期待的受德雷克启发的《天蝎座》系列的第三部。这个包并没有让另一套五个鼓舞人心的构造套件失望,具有一系列尖端循环。你会发现讨厌的合成器旋律、钢琴旋律、琴键、长笛、高功率鼓和咆哮的变形 808 贝司。所有声音都经过专业混合,可以加载到您最喜欢的 DAW 中。包含 MIDI 文件,为您提供充分的灵活性。包括速度和键标签以方便参考。
‘Scorpio 3’ is the hotly anticipated third instalment to the warmly-received ‘Scorpio’ series inspired by Drake. This pack does not disappoint with another set of five inspiring Construction Kits, featuring an array of cutting-edge loops. You’ll discover nasty synth pad melodies, piano melodies, keys, flutes, high-powered drums and growling anamorphic 808 bass. All sounds have been expertly mixed and are ready to be loaded into your favourite DAW. MIDI files are included to offer you full flexibility. The tempo and key labels are included for easy reference.
