Super Trap WAV MiDi-DiSCOVER

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5 个构建套件,共有 50 个 WAV 循环和 17 个 MIDI 文件,可将您的制作提升到一个新的水平。从排 […]



5 个构建套件,共有 50 个 WAV 循环和 17 个 MIDI 文件,可将您的制作提升到一个新的水平。从排行榜榜首的旋律、808 和打击乐到复杂的踩镲和军鼓循环,一切都包括在内! MIDI 文件也包括在内,让您可以自由地将旋律应用于您选择的任何声音。或者,您可以将 WAV 文件拖放到您选择的 DAW 中,立即开始使用 Urban 点击。
5 Construction Kits with a total of 50 WAV loops and 17 MIDI files that will take your production to the next level. Everything is included, from chart topping melodies, 808s and percussions to complex hi-hat and snare loops! MIDI files are also included, which give you the freedom to apply melodies to any sound you choose. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the WAV files into your DAW of choice to get started on Urban hits straight away.
