旋律略带忧郁和悲伤。适合各种现代音乐。从 R&B、Future R&B 到 Trap、Hip Hop 或 Pop。您将在这里找到 25 个声乐循环、28 个乐句和一个镜头以及 3 个额外的乐器循环。由年轻歌手兼音乐制作人 Apolo 创作。为您提供我们使用过的最佳声音:Neumann u87、Millennia stt1 和 Mytek 8×192。!享受!
Melodic with a little note of melancholy and sadness. Ideal for all kind of modern music. From R&B, Future R&B to Trap, Hip Hop or Pop. You will find here 25 Vocal Loops, 28 Phrases and One Shots and 3 bonus instrument loops. Created by a young singer and music producer Apolo. To provide you with the best possible sound we have used: Neumann u87, Millennia stt1, and Mytek 8×192.! Enjoy!