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Aquarius – Crystal Vocals 闪耀着闪亮的钩子、完美的流行抛光和水晶般的旋律,展示了所有 […]



Aquarius – Crystal Vocals 闪耀着闪亮的钩子、完美的流行抛光和水晶般的旋律,展示了所有新的人声样本。弥合抒情钩子和切碎的人声 FX 之间的差距,这个包提供了令人呼吸的即兴表演、简短的短语主题和有用的人声单次镜头,非常适合添加层次、纹理和添加有趣的人声元素来提升您的音轨。水瓶座反映了黄道十二宫的这个风象星座,展示了闪亮的 EQ、沉重的调音、厚实的立体声加宽和清晰的压缩,提供了干净的现代处理。明亮、轻盈的混响和空灵的空间延迟为“湿”表演增添了特色。从构思到完成,从写作和编曲到工程和声乐制作,所有样本都是手工制作的,从而形成了一个详细且受视觉启发的声乐收藏。增加了 FX 和对细节的一丝不苟的关注,这个套件是为数不多的提供这种级别的组合处理的声乐包之一。借鉴多年久经考验的人声链,我们使用我们最喜欢的高端模拟设备进行录制,包括 AKG C414 XLII 麦克风、UA610 电子管前置放大器、Teletronix LA2A 压缩器。与往常一样,这些声音是 100% 原创且免版税。
Shimmering with glossy hooks, perfect pop polish and crystalline melodies, Aquarius – Crystal Vocals showcases all new vocal samples. Bridging the gap between lyrical hooks and chopped vocal FX, this pack delivers breathy adlibs, short phrased motifs and useful vocal one shots, perfect for adding layers, textures and adding interesting vocal elements to elevate your tracks. Mirroring this air sign of the Zodiac, Aquarius showcases sparkling EQ, heavy tuning, thick stereo widening and crisp compression providing clean modern processing. Bright, airy reverbs and ethereal spatial delays add character to the ‘wet’ performances. All samples are hand crafted from conception to completion, from the writing and arrangement to the engineering and vocal production, resulting in a detailed and vision inspired vocal collection. With added FX and meticulous attention to detail, this kit stands alone as one of the few vocal packs to offer this level of combined treatment. Drawing from years of tried and tested vocal chains, we recorded with our favourite selection of high-end analogue gear including an AKG C414 XLII microphone, UA610 tube pre-amp, Teletronix LA2A compressor. As always, these sounds are 100% original and royalty free.
