Bass Music Vocals And FX WAV

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“Bass Music Vocals & FX”从牙买加传奇的音响系统文化中汲取灵感。这个包捕捉了 M […]



“Bass Music Vocals & FX”从牙买加传奇的音响系统文化中汲取灵感。这个包捕捉了 MC 的魔力。该产品充满了高品质的人声样本,可散布在任何雷鬼、配音、回声步、鼓和贝斯、丛林、污垢和舞厅制作中。除了人声样本,这个包还提供了不拘一格的 FX 样本混合,为您的作品添加了真正的实验性“配音”声音,并带有有价值的耳糖。里面的所有循环和一次性样本都是 100% 免版税的。详细来说,预计会找到 118MB 的内容,共有 169 个样本,所有音频都以 24 位和 44.1kHz 录制。内容包括人声样本、配音警报器、弹簧混响 FX、磁带延迟膨胀、合成器 zap FX 以及 LoFi 纹理,如乙烯基和磁带噪声。
‘Bass Music Vocals & FX’ is drawing inspiration from the legendary sound system culture of Jamaica. This pack captures the magic of the MC. The product is full of high-calibre vocal samples for scattering amongst any Reggae, Dub, Dubstep, Drum and Bass, Jungle, Grime, and Dancehall productions. As well as vocal samples, this pack also delivers an eclectic mix of FX samples to add a real experimental ‘dubbed out’ sound to your production with valuable ear candy. All loops and one-shot samples within are 100% Royalty-Free. In detail, expect to find 118MB of content, with a total of 169 samples, with all audio recorded at 24-Bit and 44.1kHz. The content includes vocal samples, dub sirens, spring reverb FX, tape delay swells, synth zap FX, and LoFi textures such as vinyl and tape noise.
