这个顶线人声套件在 LEONA 的动态人声中具有完整的主音和即兴演奏。您可以以任何您选择的方式使用这些无伴奏合唱。人声以立体声 WET 和 DRY 选项提供。您可以使用完整的分句来开始一首带有人声的歌曲,或者您可以对主音的一些分句进行采样。您可以在这些声带上使用、砍、拧、弄碎和扔 fx 有无限的可能性。 Demo 显示了针对曲目的人声,但此版本中没有乐器。这些是只有 D 小调的无伴奏合唱,每分钟 128 次。未经 LEONA 明确书面许可,您不得将使用这些人声的任何歌曲归功于 LEONA。 LEONA 是一位歌手/词曲作者/演员,曾出现在美国各地的电视和舞台上。演示中使用的音轨是 One Nation World Groove 的 Mahogany Muze 009。
This topline vocal kit features a full leads and adlibs in the dynamic vocals of LEONA. You can use these acapella vocals in any way you choose. The vocals are offered in stereo WET and DRY options. You can use full phrasing to start a song with vocals or you can sample some phrasing of the leads. There are infinite levels of possibility for how you can use, chop, screw, mangle and throw fx on these vocal stems. The Demo shows the vocals against a track, but there is NO INSTRUMENTATION in this release. These are acapella vocals only in the key of D minor, at 128 bpm. You may not credit LEONA on any songs using these vocals without her express written permission. LEONA is a singer/songwriter/actress who has been seen on television and stages across America. Track used in the demo is by Mahogany Muze 009 at One Nation World Groove.