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Keep It Sample 的“Emo Vocals”是在该厂牌的第一个声乐包“Mei Vocals”大获成 […]



Keep It Sample 的“Emo Vocals”是在该厂牌的第一个声乐包“Mei Vocals”大获成功之后推出的。这个包包含一系列干湿的人声循环、声带、喊叫和短语,范围从 85-164 BPM,使其非常通用和实用。适用于包括流行、未来贝斯、陷阱和 EDM 在内的多种流派,该系列将通过添加没有人声时经常缺失的触感来帮助增加和美化您自己的曲目。它提供典型的 Emo 人声,让人联想到 Fall Out Boy、The All-American Rejects 和 The Maine 等 Post Punk 艺术家。 “Emo Vocals”的灵感来自当前的商业音乐趋势,所以如果您正在寻找吸引人的、现代的人声循环和旋律,那么这个包就是为您准备的。
‘Emo Vocals’ by Keep It Sample comes after the success of the label’s first vocal pack ‘Mei Vocals’. This pack contains a selection of dry and wet vocal loops, vocal chops, shouts and phrases ranging from 85-164 BPM, making it extremely versatile and usable. Suitable for multiple genres including Pop, Future Bass, Trap, and EDM, this collection will help to increase and beautify your own tracks by adding the touch that is often missing without vocals. It provides typical Emo vocals reminiscent of Post Punk artists like Fall Out Boy, The All-American Rejects and The Maine. ‘Emo Vocals’ is inspired by the current commercial music trends so if you are looking for catchy, modern vocal loops and chops then this pack is for you.
