Future Synthwave Vocals WAV-DiSCOVER

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Synthwave 是一种从 80 年代音乐中汲取灵感的流派,如果将复古声音与现代风格结合起来会怎样?这个包拥 […]



Synthwave 是一种从 80 年代音乐中汲取灵感的流派,如果将复古声音与现代风格结合起来会怎样?这个包拥有我们所知道的 Synthwave 的一切,但功能更强大。如果您正在寻找新鲜、独特的东西,这个套餐适合您。除了合成器、鼓、贝司和 FX 的声音外,我们还与 Kristina 一起录制了朗朗上口的人声部分。这样的人声是用自然声音填充混音的好方法。除了经典的 Adlibs,您还会发现人声氛围、人声旋律循环、FX。
Synthwave is a genre that draws from the music of the 80s, what if you combine retro sounds with modern style? This pack has everything we know of the Synthwave, but much more powerful. If you are looking for something fresh, unique, this the package is for you. Apart from Synths, Drums, Bass, and FX’s sounds, we also recorded catchy vocal parts with Kristina. Such vocals are a great way to fill your mix with natural sound. In addition to the classic Adlibs, you will also find vocals atmosphere, vocal melodic loops, FX’s.
