“Ibiza Tropical House Vocals”——来自圣彼得堡的人才 Arina Faul 的出色免版税合集,令人惊叹、朗朗上口且旋律优美。 Arina 在爵士乐、放克和灵魂乐方面拥有广泛的背景。这个包包含令人惊叹的夏季 Deep House 声乐部分。 人声有干式和湿式两种。这个包是 100% 免版税的。注意:这是一个声乐包,不包括演示中的音乐元素。
“Ibiza Tropical House Vocals” – an outstanding royalty-free collection of stunning, catchy and melodic vocals from St. Petersburg based talent Arina Faul. Arina has an extensive background in Jazz, Funk and Soul. This pack contains amazing summer Deep House vocal parts. The vocal comes both as dry and wet versions. This pack is 100% Royalty-Free. Note: This is a vocal pack the musical elements in the demo are not included.