Lo-Fi Hip Hop Vocals And Vinyl Scratch Loops WAV-DiSCOVER

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Lo-Fi Hip Hop Vocals and Vinyl Scratch Loops 是一个全人声样本包, […]



Lo-Fi Hip Hop Vocals and Vinyl Scratch Loops 是一个全人声样本包,灵感来自老式嘻哈人声录音和乙烯基 Scratch 模式。这个样本包总共包含 50 个声乐循环、21 个乙烯基刮片循环和 46 个复古嘻哈、boom bap 和 lofi 风格的声乐单曲。 Lofi Hip Hop Vocals and Vinyl Scratch Loops 的灵感来自 80 年代和 90 年代早期嘻哈经典的人声和乙烯基 Scratch 样本。所有文件都以 24 位 WAV 录音的形式提供,并且可以拖放到任何 DAW 中。
Lo-Fi Hip Hop Vocals and Vinyl Scratch Loops is an all vocal sample pack inspired by vintage hip hop vocal recordings and vinyl scratch patterns. In total this sample pack contains 50 vocal loops, 21 vinyl scratch loops and 46 vocal one shots in the style of vintage hip hop, boom bap and lofi. Lofi Hip Hop Vocals and Vinyl Scratch Loops was inspired by the vocals and vinyl scratch samples of the 80’s and early 90’s hip hop classics. All files are provided as 24-bit WAV recordings and are ready to drag and drop into any DAW.
