Metal Screams WAV-DiSCOVER

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Metal Screams 是由歌手尖叫的单曲、单词和短语的集合,可用于您的下一个作品!这些样本可以完美地为您 […]



Metal Screams 是由歌手尖叫的单曲、单词和短语的集合,可用于您的下一个作品!这些样本可以完美地为您的下一个电子作品增添趣味,或者将真实的人声添加到您的金属轨道上。金属尖叫声的处理方式与干净的人声非常不同,因此我们的干样本具有足够的动态和 EQ 处理,让您无需处理混音中的尖叫声即可开始。经过处理的 Super Heavy 版本进行了音高偏移和失真,以提供令人难以置信的沉重声音。
Metal Screams is a collection of one-shots, words and short phrases screamed by vocalist for use in your next production! These samples could be perfect to spice up your next electronic production, or to add real vocals onto your metal track. Metal screams are processed very differently than clean vocals, so our dry samples have just enough dynamics and EQ processing to get you started without having ever dealt with screams in your mix. The processed Super Heavy versions were pitch-shifted and distorted to offer an incredibly heavy sound.
