“Ultra Pop Vocals 5”为您带来这些可爱的女性无伴奏合唱和 MIDI Loop 的第 5 部分。这个纯粹的流行音乐系列也适用于任何流派。这个包的灵感来自 Alan Walker 和他在世界各地不断播放的排行榜榜首曲目和杀手台词。不要犹豫,让您的音乐更令人难忘!
‘Ultra Pop Vocals 5’ brings you the 5th installment of these lovely, female acapellas and MIDI Loops. This pure Pop collection is also suitable for any genre. This pack is inspired by Alan Walker and his chart-topping tracks and killer lines that are constantly playing all over the world. Don’t hesitate and make your music more memorable!