“Ultra Tropical House Vocals 9”带来了这个传奇声乐系列的第 9 部。在这个多功能系列中,您会发现为所有夏季音乐爱好者创作的完整男声表演。所有人声都处于 DRY 和 WET 模式,并提供相应的 MIDI 文件。所有内容100%免版税!如果您正在寻找可爱、令人叹为观止且朗朗上口的男声 – 这个包显然适合您。所有的人声循环都应用了温暖的复古感觉,准备好轻松地融入您的混音。用这些出色的人声填充您的作品,让您的曲目更加突出!
‘Ultra Tropical House Vocals 9’ brings 9th installment of this legendary vocal series. Inside this versatile collection, you’ll find complete male vocal performances create for all Summer music lovers. All vocals are in DRY and WET mode and are provided with corresponding MIDI files. All content is 100% royalty-free! If you are looking for lovely, breathtaking and catchy male vocals – this pack is obviously for you. All vocal loops have a warm vintage feeling applied, ready to sit in your mix with no extra effort. Fill your productions with these outsanding vocals and make your tracks stand out even more!