“Vocal Kits Vol 4”是该系列的下一卷,旨在使制作尽可能简单和有效。包含四个Construction Kit 包,这卷充满了令人敬畏的吉他即兴演奏、钢琴和朗朗上口的流行人声,创造出定制的旋律和想法,让您的制作流畅。该产品提供真正的电吉他和钢琴以及男性和女性人声,具有 MIDI 文件的灵活性以及预览演示的简单性——这是您可以使用此产品实现的垫脚石。只需将每个构建套件的所有有机元素拖放到您的 DAW 中,并使用 MIDI 文件围绕您自己的想法自由构建。所有声音都使用专业的、屡获殊荣的 UAD 插件软件进行处理和编辑,以增加更多的模拟温暖。
‘Vocal Kits Vol 4’ is the next volume in this series that aims to make production as easy and as effective as possible. A four Construction Kit pack, this volume is full of awesome guitar riffs, pianos and catchy Pop vocals, creating custom melodies and ideas that will get your production flowing. This product provides real electric guitars and pianos alongside male & female vocals with the flexibility of MIDI files as well as the simplicity of preview demos – a stepping stone for what you can achieve with this product. Just drag & drop all the organic elements of each Construction Kit into your DAW and use the MIDI files to freely build around your own ideas. All sounds have been processed and edited using professional, award-winning UAD plugin software, to add some more analogue warmth.