480 个单词采用广受欢迎的声码器风格,供您组合自己的乐句或歌词,并在您的作品中使用它们。我们根据单个音符 E 进行了一次,另一次在和弦 Em 中进行,所以这个 210 MB 包总共有 960 个文件。 通过做一些伸展和调整,你会得到更多的自由和乐趣。
480 words in the well-liked vocoder style for you to assemble your own phrases or lyrics and use them in your productions. We did this once based on the single note E and another time in chord Em, so 960 files in total form this 210 MB pack. By doing some time stretching and tuning you′ll get even more freedom and fun out of this.