继续我们对 80 年代低比特率采样设备的痴迷,让我们介绍一下大灰板,即 RZ-1。卡西欧的砖块式 RZ-1 是早期的采样鼓机大队之一,提供 12 种板载 PCM 声音以及让用户将自己的声音采样到四个可分配打击垫的机会。诚然,这些打击垫每个只提供 0.2 秒的采样,但有一个很酷的选择,可以将所有采样内存链接在一起,以获得一个单一的、巨大的 0.8 秒的声音爆发。婊子!好吧,采样时间非常有限。但声音规格更好:20kHz 采样频率,至少可以让一些高频通过,加上一个推子组,让您平衡声音,以及一个不错的板载音序器将模式链接在一起。 RZ-1 有一个独特的声音特征:非常轻快和清脆,有足够的沙砾来通过混音,但不可否认的是它的套件的低保真音调,这使它成为嘻哈和浩室音乐中的热门歌曲生产者。
Continuing our obsession with 80s low-bit-rate sampling gear, let’s introduce the big grey slab that is the RZ-1. Casio’s built-like-a-brick RZ-1 was one of the early brigade of sampling drum machines, offering twelve onboard PCM sounds plus the opportunity for the user to sample their own sounds to four assignable pads. Admittedly, these pads only offered 0.2 seconds of sampling each, but there was the cool option of chaining all that sample memory together to get one, single, massive 0.8-second burst of sound. Bitchin’! All right, the sampling time was pretty limited. But the sonic specs were better: 20kHz sampling frequency, which at least let some top end through, plus a fader-bank to allow you to balance the sounds, and a decent onboard sequencer to chain patterns together. The RZ-1 has a sonic signature all of its own: very brisk and crisp, with enough grit to slam through a mix but an undeniably lo-fi tone to its kit which has made it something of a cult hit among Hip Hop and House producers.