Grindhouse 是一组前卫、低保真和复古酷炫的多采样乐器,具有大量角色和独特的 1970 年代开发电影氛围。我们创建 Grindhouse 的目标是制作一种虚拟乐器,它与那些老剥削电影的感觉相同:一个糟糕透顶的 VI。这个库是一个乐器集合,听起来像是从旧的黑胶唱片中采样出来的,并从一部不起眼的 1970 年代剥削电影的坏副本中录制下来。我们为 Grindhouse 采样的乐器之所以被选中,是因为它们具有真正独特的声音和特性。我们使用了旧乐器、廉价乐器以及大多数明智的人可能会带到音乐商店修理或扔进垃圾桶的乐器(事实上,该产品中至少有两件乐器是从城镇垃圾场回收的) .
Grindhouse is a collection of edgy, lo-fi, and retro-cool multi-sampled instruments with loads of character and a unique 1970s exploitation movie vibe. Our goal in creating Grindhouse was to produce a virtual instrument that had the same feel as those old exploitation films: a VI that is so bad, it’s good. This library is a collection of instruments that sound like they were sampled from old vinyl LPs and recorded off a bad copy of an obscure 1970s exploitation film. The instruments that we sampled for Grindhouse were chosen because they have a truly distinctive sound and character. We used old instruments, cheap instruments, and instruments that most sensible people would have probably taken to a music store for repairs, or thrown in the trash (in fact, at least two of the instruments in this product were recovered from a town dump).