好莱坞进化龙采样 Evolution Dragon v1.3 KONTAKT

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Evolution 是一个强大且海量的声音设计工具样本集合,用于编写混合音轨和预告片风格的音轨。为现代作曲家和 […]



Evolution 是一个强大且海量的声音设计工具样本集合,用于编写混合音轨和预告片风格的音轨。为现代作曲家和声音设计师手工制作的混合电影乐器。该示例库主要针对电影、电视、视频游戏和媒体作曲家。 3,6 GB 的内容和超过 120 种乐器。主要产品的特点是易于定制,可以节省您的时间。其强大的节奏音序器允许您制作自己的下划线模式并以前所未有的方式简化您的工作。 Evolution: Dragon – 我们的 Signature 系列中的第一款全新乐器,诞生于失眠症,围绕作曲家和声音设计师 Arseni Khodzin 和作曲家/程序员 Evgeny Emelyanov 打造。其他编辑和录制内容:Arthur Basov。自定义 3D 图形用户界面。
Evolution is a powerful and massive sample collection of sound design tools created for writing tracks in the styles of hybrid soundtrack and trailer. Handmade hybrid cinematic instrument for modern composers and sound designers. This sample library aimed primarily at Film, Tv, Video Game and media composers. 3,6 GB of content and over 120 instruments. The main product’s feature is easy customization, that saves your time. Its powerful rhythmic sequencer allows you to make own underscore patterns and simplify your work as never before. Evolution: Dragon – the first brand new instrument from our Signature series, born out of insomnia, built around composer and sound designer Arseni Khodzin and composer/programmer Evgeny Emelyanov. Additional editing and recording content: Arthur Basov. Custom 3D graphic user interface.
