布朗声音采样 Brown Sound KONTAKT

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让我们谈谈詹姆斯布朗在这里的小步舞曲……这个人是商业或世界各地最伟大和最努力的艺人之一 […]



让我们谈谈詹姆斯布朗在这里的小步舞曲……这个人是商业或世界各地最伟大和最努力的艺人之一!他的存在和风格影响了一代又一代的音乐家。和他原始的深情嗓音一样,他的杀手舞步影响了许多“流行”巨星。这些词干是使用网络上的许多资源创建的,是的;我自己的乙烯基创造。我真的受到布朗先生的启发,与摩城巨星和其他在“密西西比泥泞”中的人一起,詹姆斯布朗对我和我们许多其他音乐家来说都是一个杰出的人物。我已经尽我所能地穿过这些茎,把它们清理干净,然后把它们放在这个漂亮的 kontakt 构建中,供你在你的工作室、你的 DJ 设置或特别是现场表演中使用,(因为这是我建造这些的主要原因文件);我的工作室里有一个客户,他会在现场舞台表演中使用这些。
Lets just speak on James Brown For a little minuet here… The man was one of the GREATEST & hardest working entertainers in the business or around the world !! His Presence and style has influnced many a generation of musicians. And as with his raw edged soulful voice , his killer dance move have influenced the likes of many a huge ‘pop’ star (s). These stems are created with the use of many resources from across the web , and yes ; my own vinyl creates. I truely am inspired by Mr. Brown, and along with motown greats and the rest of ’em down there in the ‘mississippi mud’ , James Brown has been a stand out for me as well we many other musicians. Ive ran thru these stems as best I could , cleaned them up nice and laid them out in this nice kontakt build for you to use in your studio , your DJ setup or especially for live performance , ( as this was the main reason I built these file); I had a client in my studio , whom would be using these on live stage performances.
