Nova 是受北极世界启发的 Kontakt 新图书馆。它包含许多环境纹理、背景和音景,具有冷酷、环境、神秘,有时甚至是实验性的特征。主 Nova 库包含 120 个音源和 125 个快照(预设),稍后将添加新的。此版本还包含一个带有 15 个环境 lo-fi 鼓组和 65 个快照的奖励库。
Nova is new library for Kontakt inspired by the Arctic world. It contains a lot of ambient textures, pads and soundscapes with a cold, ambient, mysterious and sometimes experimental character. The main Nova library contains 120 soundsources and 125 snapshots (presets) and new ones will be added later on. This release contains also a bonus library with 15 ambient lo-fi drum kits and 65 snapshots.