“电影节奏:Kontakt 库捆绑包(第 1-6 卷)” 是一个庞大的捆绑包,为您带来了该品牌为 Kontakt 打造的六整卷“电影节奏”系列。该捆绑包为您提供了总共 335 种鼓节奏模式。针对制作电影背景音乐和电影配乐的制作人,这些节奏模式适用于动作、追逐和戏剧序列。它们是由经验丰富的节奏和打击乐程序员 Bharat Gosher 创建的。
‘Cinematic Rhythm: Kontakt Library Bundle (Vols 1-6)’ is a massive bundle bringing you six full volumes of the label’s ‘Cinematic Rhythm’ series for Kontakt. This bundle provides you with a total of 335 drum rhythm patterns. Aimed at producers making Cinematic background music and film scores, these rhythm patterns are suitable for use in action, chase, and drama sequences. They were created by Bharat Gosher, a veteran rhythm and percussion programmer.