打击乐深度采样 Crotales KONTAKT

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Frozen Percussion 是我们全新的深度采样打击乐器系列,以非常规的方式演奏,以创造无限延音,及时 […]



Frozen Percussion 是我们全新的深度采样打击乐器系列,以非常规的方式演奏,以创造无限延音,及时冻结。 Frozen Crotales 是我们的第一部作品,一组经过调音的管弦乐 crotales(也称为古董钹),用大提琴弓演奏。像往常一样,仪器的编程考虑到了易用性。只需在演奏时移动调制轮,即可在不同动态级别之间平滑变形。虽然该乐器表面上看起来很简单,但在幕后有一个先进的演奏脚本,可以实现非常灵敏和富有表现力的演奏。在拉奏金属乐器(如 crotales)时,由于乐器需要时间来振动和共振,因此动态的变化通常非常缓慢。我们的性能引擎通过在动态之间进行平滑插值来复制这一特性。此外,当播放一个音符时,引擎将逐渐上升到目标动态。这比传统的 ADSR 攻击更真实,因为它在真实动态层之间变形——而不仅仅是音量衰减。
Frozen Percussion is our new series of deep sampled percussion instruments performed in unconventional ways to create infinite sustains, frozen in time. Frozen Crotales is our first instalment, a set of tuned orchestral crotales (also known as antique cymbals), performed with a cello bow. As usual, the instrument was programmed with ease of use in mind. Simply move the mod wheel while playing to smoothly morph between different dynamic levels. While the instrument may look simple on the surface, there is an advanced performance script behind-the-scenes, which allows for very responsive and expressive playing. When bowing a metallic instrument such as crotales, changes in dynamics are often quite slow since the instrument takes time to vibrate and resonate. Our performance engine replicates this characteristic by smoothly interpolating between dynamics. Additionally, when a note is played, the engine will gradually ramp up to the target dynamic. This is more realistic than a traditional ADSR attack, because it is morphing between real dynamic layers – not simply fading in the volume.
