撒哈拉之声采样 Sahara Voices KONTAKT

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Ethera Collection 包括:Ethera 2.0、Ethera Soul Edition、Eth […]



Ethera Collection 包括:Ethera 2.0、Ethera Soul Edition、Ethera Soundscapes 2.01、Ethera EVI 2.0、Ethera Gold 2.5、Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals。如果您已经拥有部分或全部早期的 Ethera 游戏,那么 Ethera Gold Sahara Voices 将成为您 Ethera Collection 的强大附加组件。如果您是 Ethera 的新手,您会发现 Sahara Voices 是一种很棒的新工具,可以帮助和增强您的音乐创作创造力,它还可以让您获得可能的跨级优惠券来购买其他 Ethera 库。 Ethera Gold Sahara Voices 是一套全新的、功能强大的声乐乐器。完美的新工具,可将令人惊叹的民族声乐添加到您的配乐中。
The Ethera Collection consists of: Ethera 2.0, Ethera Soul Edition, Ethera Soundscapes 2.01, Ethera EVI 2.0, Ethera Gold 2.5, Ethera Gold Intimate Vocals. If you already own some, or all, of the earlier Ethera titles then Ethera Gold Sahara Voices will be a powerful add-on to your Ethera Collection. If you are new to Ethera, you will find Sahara Voices to be an awesome new instrument to assist and enhance your music-making creativity and it also will give you access to a possible Cross-Grade Coupon to buy the other Ethera Libraries. Ethera Gold Sahara Voices is an all-new, powerful set of Vocal instruments. The perfect new tool for adding amazing Ethnic Vocals to your soundtracks.
