“SonicXpansion 为使用 Kontakt 的城市和电子制作人带来了疯狂的发布。 Red Synergy 是一款高品质的 Kontakt 工具,具有强大而直观的自定义界面。这个产品是爱的劳动,我有幸从最初的想法到最终产品的完成,包括沿途的每个阶段。 SonicXpansion 由我的一个非常亲密的朋友经营,所以这些年来我一直坐在前排,从第一个产品到现在。相信我,Red Synergy 是 SonicXpansion 迄今为止最完整和设计最完善的产品,它证明了创造力和奉献精神,它提供了伟大的工具来激励制作人。凭借由他定制的模块化合成器和各种硬件乐器制作的声音,这款产品包含大量的声音和纹理,让您忙碌一段时间。”
“SonicXpansion is back with a crazy release for urban and electronic producers that are using Kontakt. Red Synergy is a high quality instrument for Kontakt with a powerful yet intuitive custom interface. This product is a labor of love, I had the privilege of being around from the very beginning of the idea through the completion of the final product, including every stage along the way. SonicXpansion is run by a very close friend of mine, so I’ve had a front row seat through the years, from the very first product until now. Believe me when I say that Red Synergy is the most complete and well-designed product from SonicXpansion to date and is a testament to the creativity and dedication that goes into providing great tools to inspire producers. With sounds crafted from his custom modular synth and various hardware instruments, this product contains plenty of sounds and textures to keep you busy for while.”