蓝调音色采样 Plush 2 KONTAKT

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Plush 2,期待已久的续集,是有史以来最畅销的 R&B 循环标题之一。标准已经提高,新标准由 32 […]



Plush 2,期待已久的续集,是有史以来最畅销的 R&B 循环标题之一。标准已经提高,新标准由 32 个最流畅、最性感、挤满了人的建筑套件设定。无论您是追求 Maxwell 流畅而经典的声音,还是 Ne-Yo 的现代流畅声音,甚至是 Deitrick Haddon 令人振奋的音乐,Plush 2 都能满足您的一切需求。总共有超过 6GB 的原创内容和 1,436 个全新的循环和声音,为您的下一个白金唱片做好了准备。从酸化 WAV、REX、Apple Loops 或 Kontakt 格式(KLI 系列)中进行选择。乐器包括:鼓(现场和编程)、罗德、现场萨克斯、合成器、钢琴、风琴等等!一旦您深入了解这些套件,您就会发现该产品的各个方面都受到关注和关注。从录音和混音到编辑和格式化,都得到了极大的关注。最后,为了帮助您扩展您的创造力,我们包含了每个套件中的所有多轨鼓、现场鼓组和一次性鼓。 Plush 2 已经到来,这肯定是你不想错过的。
Plush 2, the long awaited sequel to one of the best selling R&B loop titles of all time. The bar has been raised and the new standard is set with this collection of 32 of the smoothest and sexiest, jam-packed construction kits. Whether you are after the smooth and classic sounds of Maxwell, or the modern and slick sounds of Ne-Yo, or even the spirit-lifting music of Deitrick Haddon, Plush 2 has everything you need. In total there are over 6GB of original content and 1,436 brand new loops and sounds all ready for your next platinum hit. Choose from acidized WAV, REX, Apple Loops, or Kontakt formats (KLI Series). Instruments include: drums (live and programmed), Rhodes, live sax, synths, pianos, organs, and so much more! Once you dive into these kits you’ll see the care and attention that went into every aspect of this product. From the recording and mixing to the editing and formatting, it’s all been given the utmost care. Finally to help you expand your creativity we?ve included all the multi-track drums, live drum multis and one-shot drums from each kit. Plush 2 has arrived and this is certainly one you don’t want to miss.
