双声部颗粒氛围乐器 Tempus v1.2 KONTAKT

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Tempus 是一种双声部颗粒乐器,其灵感来自音频空间,其中节奏变成了音高,音高变成了节奏。 Tempus 中 […]



Tempus 是一种双声部颗粒乐器,其灵感来自音频空间,其中节奏变成了音高,音高变成了节奏。 Tempus 中有 500 多个音源,您可以将任何音源与任何其他音源组合。它有 3 种不同的播放模式:Granular、Hybrid 和 One-shot。这些声源是围绕快速和重复播放短断音音符的想法设计的,播放速度如此之快,以至于模糊成具有原始和独特音色的单个音频流。 Tempus 将这些声源通过其复杂的粒子引擎来产生原始和独特的输出,适用于各种风格和音乐流派。有多种直观且易于使用的控件来雕刻和操纵输出以及制作方式和制作地点,以及发送和语音效果以及独特的门控系统。
Tempus is a dual voice Granular instrument inspired by the audio space where tempo becomes pitch and pitch becomes tempo. There are 500+ sound sources in Tempus, and you can combine any sound source with any other. It has 3 different play modes: Granular, Hybrid and One-shot. These sound sources were designed around the idea of rapid and repeated playing of short staccato notes, that are played so fast they blur into a single audio stream with an original and unique timbre. Tempus passes these sound sources through its sophisticated granular engine to produce an original and unique output, useful in a wide range of styles and musical genres. There’s a wide range of intuitive and easy to use controls to sculpt and manipulate the output and how and where it will be made, as well as sends and voice effects and a unique gate system.
