悬疑电影游戏配乐音色库 Sick 7 Voices Of The Dead

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拥有 8,753 种独特的声音,Sick 7: Voices of the Dead 是真正的野兽!我们 Si […]



拥有 8,753 种独特的声音,Sick 7: Voices of the Dead 是真正的野兽!我们 Sick 恐怖和悬疑系列的最后一卷将这一切与全新的生物和人类战斗声音工具箱、怪异的工业打击乐以及新鲜的大气恐怖和悬疑声音设计元素联系在一起。这个庞大的收藏包含 6 种独特的生物和 5 个经典的人类 NPC(“非玩家角色”)声音库,分为 38 个重要的游戏事件类别,每个类别都包括各种交替循环拍摄和风格变化可供选择从。它有你需要的一切,包括尖叫、窒息、摔倒、被击中、咆哮、呼吸、跳跃、笑声等等。无论你是有一个需要可怕嘶嘶声的巫妖王小老板,还是准备好为星际炮灰任务报告的几件红衫军,我们都能满足你的需求。它们非常适合在恐怖和动作视频游戏、电影、广告和动画中即时即插即用,还可以作为高保真源 wav,作为您自己的声音设计创作的源材料。
With 8,753 unique sounds, Sick 7: Voices of the Dead is a true beast! This final volume in our Sick horror and suspense series ties it all together with a brand new tool chest of creature and human combat voices, eerie industrial percussion and a fresh supply of atmospheric horror and suspense sound design elements. This huge collection features 6 unique creatures and 5 classic human NPC (“Non-Player Character”) voice over sound-banks, organized into 38 important gameplay event categories, each including a wide variety of alternate round-robin takes and style variations to choose from. It’s got everything you need, including screams, chokes, falls, get-hits, growls, breaths, jumps, laughs and much more. Whether you’ve got a litch king miniboss that needs to fearsome hiss or a few red-shirts ready to report for interstellar cannon-fodder duty, we’ve got you covered. They’re perfect for instant plug-and-play use in horror and action video games, films, ads and animation, and as high-fidelity source wavs, as source material for your own sound-designed creations.
