电影合成音色 Magnetism Bundle KONTAKT 6

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Magnetism Volume 1 和 Volume 2 是两个新的电影库。 Magnetism 背后的概念 […]



Magnetism Volume 1 和 Volume 2 是两个新的电影库。 Magnetism 背后的概念是通过设计声音和有趣的纹理来构思的,通过一系列效果踏板运行用 E-bow 演奏的电吉他。 E-bow 是一种产生磁场的装置,该磁场使吉他的琴弦连续振动,产生类似于琴弦被拉弓的声音。然后将该概念扩展为创建一个受吸引力法则物理现象启发的样本库,其结果是…… MAGNETISM,一种当代的电影声音设计设备,能够创建实验性但令人难以置信的鼓舞人心的声音纹理,用于您的下一首曲目,电影或游戏得分。每个 Magnetism “Volume”都专注于特定类型的纹理,并具有两个主要层次:第一层(“MAIN”)是主要声源,第二层(“TEXTURE”)为高频添加火花和连续变化。
Magnetism Volume 1 and Volume 2 are two new Cinematic libraries. The concept behind Magnetism was conceived by designing sounds and interesting textures running an electric guitar played with an E-bow through a range of effects pedals. The E-bow is a device that creates a magnetic field that causes the string of the guitar to oscillate continuously, generating a sound similar to a string being bowed. The concept was then expanded to create a sample library inspired by the physical phenomenon of the laws of attraction and the result is… MAGNETISM, a contemporary, cinematic sound design device capable of creating experimental yet incredibly inspiring sound textures to use in your next track, film or game score. Each Magnetism “Volume” focuses on a specific type of texture and features two main layers: the first (“MAIN”) is the primary sound source, the second (“TEXTURE”) adds spark and continuous variation to the top end.
