电影商业影片特效音源 PHOENIX v1.0.0 KONTAKT

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<strong>Phoenix: Rise, Hit & Whoosh Builder。& […]



<strong>Phoenix: Rise, Hit & Whoosh Builder。</strong> Phoenix 是所有电影和商业制作的必备工具。从过往鬼魂的轻柔嗖嗖声,到火车失事场景的破坏,在关键时刻获得所需的声音从未如此简单。 Phoenix 是一款优秀的电影工具,可以打造完美的戏剧性时刻,让观众坐立不安。该乐器提供 700 种可用于制作的声音和强大的界面,用于快速分层上升、冲击和嗖嗖声。使用多达八个强大的引擎,您可以完美地调整紧张和释放的时间,以获得最大的影响。驾驭 Phoenix 的无限力量,将您的声音磨练成完美的隆隆声、音色和碰撞声! Phoenix 带有 700 个开箱即用的独特样本,但从竞争工具的灰烬中崛起的是能够将您自己的 .wav 或 .aif 样本直接加载到界面中。这使您可以选择使用我们精心挑选和编辑的声音集,或者完全自定义您选择的任何声音。让凤凰为您完成所有艰苦的计时工作!
Phoenix: Rise, Hit & Whoosh Builder. Phoenix is an essential tool for all matter of cinematic and commercial productions. From the soft whoosh of a passing ghost, to the devastation of a train wreck scene, it’s never been easier to get the sound you need for that critical moment. Phoenix is an elite cinematic tool for building the perfect dramatic moment that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats. This instrument provides seven hundred production-ready sounds and powerful interface for quickly layering rises, impacts, and whoooshes. Using up to eight powerful engines, you can perfectly time your tension and release for the greatest impact. Harness the limitless power of Phoenix to hone your sound to the perfect rumble, timbre, and crash! Phoenix comes with 700 unique samples right out of the box, but rising from the ashes of competing tools is the ability to load your own .wav or .aif samples right into the interface. This gives you the choice of using our meticulously selected and edited sound set or going full custom with whatever sounds you choose. Let Phoenix do all the hard timing work for you!
