电影配乐音源 Stamina KONTAKT

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<b>STAMINA</b> 是一款 Kontakt 乐器,专为词曲作者而设计。在一个 […]



<b>STAMINA</b> 是一款 Kontakt 乐器,专为词曲作者而设计。在一个生活如此忙碌的世界里,通常很难考虑细节或选择,因为您的时间很重要。 STAMINA 在这里为那些决定性的时刻提供帮助,其完整的旋律部分和循环等待探索。包含 31 个精心制作的鼓组,包括 efx oneshots、227 个鼓循环 – 只需按一下键和 21 个旋律套件、过渡效果中断、提升器、效果和效果部分。这个想法很简单,可以选择、播放和创建——让音乐引导你,这样你就可以从一个想法开始,然后在你开发自己的创意灵感时添加它——或者简单地使用现有的东西并对其进行编辑以适合你的需求——这里没有规则,只有你自己的创造性思维。
STAMINA is a Kontakt instrument that is designed with the songwriter in mind. In a world where life is so busy it is often hard to think about details or choice, as your time matters. STAMINA is here to assist in those decisive moments, with its full-on melody sections and loops that are waiting to be explored. Packed with 31 crafted drumkits, including efx oneshots, 227 drumloops – at the touch of a key and 21 melody kits, transition fx breaks, risers, efx and effects section. The idea is simple, to Select, Play and Create – let the music guide you so you can start off with an idea, then add to it as you develop your own creative inspiration – or simply work with what’s there and edit it to fit your needs – there are no rules here, just your own creative mind.
