身临其境的氛围感音源 MYST v1.0 KONTAKT

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神秘而身临其境的音景。 MYST 是电影和视频游戏音乐作曲家的样本库。其身临其境、神秘莫测的声音纹理将有助于创 […]



神秘而身临其境的音景。 MYST 是电影和视频游戏音乐作曲家的样本库。其身临其境、神秘莫测的声音纹理将有助于创作幻想、环境、实验、原声音乐类型的音乐。无论您是制作电影配乐、游戏 OST 还是只是一小段音乐,这些声音都会增添令人难忘的氛围和心情。该库具有简单的界面——两个声源,带有一个大的平衡旋钮来混合它们,以及每个源的 ADSR、LPF、HPF、Pan 和 Pitch。用于 NI Kontakt(v5.8.1 或更高版本)的 100 个仪器 1200 个样本 WAV / 24bit / 44kHz。两个声源
Mysterious and immersive soundscapes. MYST is a Sample Library for film and video game music composers. Its immersive, mysterious and enigmatic sound textures will be helpful for creating music in Fantasy, Ambient, Experimental, Soundtrack genres. Whether you working on film score, game OST or just small music piece, these sounds will add unforgettable atmosphere and mood. The library has simple interface – two sound sources with a big Balance knob to mix them as well as ADSR, LPF, HPF, Pan and Pitch for each source. 100 instruments for NI Kontakt (v5.8.1 or higher) 1200 samples WAV / 24bit / 44kHz. Two sound sources
