阿尔法风琴 Alpha Organ KONTAKT

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Alpha 风琴是在加利福尼亚州旧金山的圣保罗教堂录制的精美深采样管风琴。该图书馆与我们广受好评的 Requi […]



Alpha 风琴是在加利福尼亚州旧金山的圣保罗教堂录制的精美深采样管风琴。该图书馆与我们广受好评的 Requiem Light Symphonic Choir 和 Symphony Series Brass 录制在同一地点。圣保罗教堂的设计与管风琴的精致声音完美融合,创造出无法重现的音调组合。该库由 Native Instruments Kontakt 6 播放器引擎(VST、AU 和 AAX 插件格式)提供支持,并支持所有 Komplete Kontrol 软件和硬件。圣保罗教堂有一段独特的历史,它呼唤我们并指导我们使用这种乐器。它的原始建筑因 1906 年旧金山地震而中断,被毁坏的市中心的石块被用来完成最终结构。该空间具有近乎神秘的非凡声学特性,它的长长的回响尾巴带有一种通风的幽灵般的品质。每次我们在那里录制时,我们都会经历一波又一波的奇怪同步。整个大厅就像一个巨大的活的乐器一样唱歌。为了纪念这个空间似乎唤起的高度陌生感,我们用更广泛的我们标志性的声音设计氛围来丰富图书馆,这些氛围深入研究了心理声学和形而上学美学。
Alpha Organ is a beautifully deep sampled pipe organ recorded at St. Paul’s Church in San Francisco, CA. The library was recorded in the same location as our acclaimed Requiem Light Symphonic Choir and Symphony Series Brass. The design of St. Paul’s Church mixed with the exquisite sound of the organ is the perfect blend, creating a tonal combination that can’t be recreated. This library is Powered By the Native Instruments Kontakt 6 Player engine (VST, AU & AAX Plugin formats) and supports all Komplete Kontrol software and hardware. St Paul’s Church has a unique history that called to us and guided our approach to this instrument. It’s original construction was interrupted by the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and stone rubble from the destroyed downtown was used to complete the final structure. The space has extraordinary acoustic properties bordering on the mystical, it’s long reverberant tail carrying an airy ghostly quality. Each time we’ve recorded there, we’ve experienced waves of strange synchronicities. The entire hall sings as one massive living instrument. To honor the high strangeness that the space seems to evoke, we’ve enriched the library with a wider selection of our signature sound designed ambiences that delve deeply into psychoacoustic and metaphysical aesthetics.
