与电影和电视作曲家密切合作开发的漂亮的立式毛毡钢琴。 Woodchester Piano 是我们与才华横溢的作曲家和艺术家合作的新系列中的第一款,为您带来一系列精心制作的充满个性的虚拟乐器。这个图书馆是与电影和电视作曲家 James Everingham 密切合作制作的,并以他的 Wilh 为特色。斯坦伯格德国系列立式钢琴,使用毡踏板进行亲密录音。我们参观了 James 的工作室,并花了几天时间仔细采样了乐器的每一个细微差别。然后,我们花了几个月的时间对乐器进行混音、抛光和微调,最终制作出令人惊叹的虚拟钢琴,并具有优美的多功能音色,演奏起来很有趣。 Woodchester Piano 还包括键释放和踏板样本,独特的钢琴家噪音功能可添加微妙的沙沙声和木头吱吱声以提高真实感,以及可调节的颜色控制以为您的作品拨出完美的音调。
A beautiful upright felt piano, developed in close collaboration with film and TV composer. Woodchester Piano is the first in our new series of collaborations with talented composers and artists, bringing you a range of finely crafted virtual instruments full of personality. This library was produced in close collaboration with film and TV composer James Everingham, and features his Wilh. Steinberg German Series upright piano, intimately recorded with the felt pedal engaged. We visited James’s studio and spent several days carefully sampling every nuance of the instrument. We then spent many months mixing, polishing and fine-tuning the instrument, resulting in a stunning virtual piano with a beautifully versatile sound, which is a joy to play. Woodchester Piano also includes key release and pedal samples, a unique pianist noise feature to add subtle rustling and wood creaks for heightened realism, and adjustable colour control to dial in the perfect tone for your composition.