<b>双耳钢琴</b> 通过精心策划和详细的设置,我们通过双耳假人的耳朵使著名的德国三角钢琴的声音永垂不朽。 <b>The Concept</b> 双耳钢琴是一款真正鼓舞人心的虚拟乐器,适用于各种任务,从古典模型到电影配乐、预告片和流行音乐作品。与往常一样,我们的目标是尽可能接近真实的东西,因此我们捕获了每个可能的键组合的 Sympathetic Resonances,总计 7.744 个样本仅用于 Resonances 本身。我们对 Sustain Pedal 共振和 Release 样本做了同样的事情,另外我们单独记录了 Hammer 噪音,用作效果或额外的打击层。
Binaural Piano Using a carefully planned and detailed setup, we immortalized the sound of a renowned German Grand, through the ears of a binaural dummy. The Concept Binaural Piano is a truly inspiring virtual instrument, suitable for every task, from Classical mock-ups to Film scoring, trailers and Pop productions. As always, we aimed to get as close to the real thing as possible, so we captured the Sympathetic Resonances of every possible key combination, summing up to the huge amount of 7.744 samples just for the Resonances themselves. We did the same for the Sustain Pedal resonances and the Release samples, plus we recorded the Hammer noises in isolation, to be used either as an effect or as an additional percussive layer.