绅士立式钢琴音源 The Gentleman KONTAKT

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HORiZON 在这里为您的新年增光添彩,因此我们很自豪地推出 The Gentleman,为 Definit […]



HORiZON 在这里为您的新年增光添彩,因此我们很自豪地推出 The Gentleman,为 Definitive Piano Collection 画上圆满句号。 Komplete 现在正式……完成了。我们祝大家新年快乐,我们希望来年将迎来一个丰富、幸福、创造力和灵感的新时代。我们保证,这将是在未来很长一段时间内被人们铭记和谈论的一年。
HORiZON is here to class up your New Year and so we are proud to deliver The Gentleman bringing the Definitive Piano Collection to a close. Komplete is officially now…complete. We would like to wish you all a very happy New Year and we hope the coming year will usher in a new era of abundance, happiness, creativity and inspiration for you all. We promise it’s going to be a year that will be remembered and spoken of for a long time to come.
