外星人金属打击乐器库 UFO Tone KONTAKT

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UFO Tone 是一个多采样金属调谐打击乐器库,封装了来自另一个领域的特殊吊鼓。这一项检查所有三个框。我们可 […]



UFO Tone 是一个多采样金属调谐打击乐器库,封装了来自另一个领域的特殊吊鼓。这一项检查所有三个框。我们可能发现这件神器半埋在一块田地里,就像它是从外星人的访问中掉下来的……清理干净后,我们把它带到了旧金山的圣保罗教堂——我们在同一个地方采样了安魂曲轻合唱团,交响乐系列黄铜和阿尔法风琴。我们用一个木槌用一对紧密的立体声 Neumann 录音室麦克风录制了它的八个舌头,以获得干爽和现场的声音,以及 15 英尺外的第二对立体声,以获得开放、宽敞的远距离声音。您可以对不同的发音、舌头和麦克风位置进行半音独奏、组合或分层,以创建自己独特的声音混合。钢舌鼓以其平滑的基音被复杂的泛音、郁郁葱葱的旋转泛音和悠长而柔和的延音而闻名。系好安全带! UFO Tone 将带你离开这个世界。
UFO Tone is a multi-sampled metallic tuned percussion library that encapsulates a special hang drum from another realm. This one checks all three boxes. We may have found this artifact halfway buried in a field, like it was dropped off from an extraterrestrial visit… After cleaning it off, we took it to St. Paul’s Church in San Francisco – the same location we sampled Requiem Light Choir, Symphony Series Brass, and Alpha Organ. We used a mallet to record its eight tongues with a close stereo pair of Neumann studio mics for a dry and present sound, as well as a second stereo pair 15 feet away for an open, spacious far sound. You can chromatically solo, combine or layer the different articulations, tongues and mic positions to create your own unique sonic blends. Steel tongue drums are known for a smooth fundamental tone wrapped in a haze of complex harmonics, lush swirling overtones, and a long, mellow sustain. Buckle your seatbelt! UFO Tone will launch you out of this world.
