战鼓2代打击乐音源 Drums Of War 2 KONTAKT

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Drums Of War 2 使用强烈的、音轨就绪的打击乐器增强了打击乐调色板。扩展我们的战鼓产品线并为未来设 […]



Drums Of War 2 使用强烈的、音轨就绪的打击乐器增强了打击乐调色板。扩展我们的战鼓产品线并为未来设定步伐。 Drums Of War 2 是经典 Drums Of War 库的强大后续,现在带有 Kontakt 播放器和 NKS 编码!最初的 Drums Of War 1 库专注于捕捉巨大的声音,体现在电影纹理中,我们希望创建一个具有特定乐器和制作技术的后续作品,以提供一种新的工作方式。我们录制了单独的打击乐器,并通过双重、三重和四重跟踪创建了 Ensemble 补丁。这是一个强大的效果器,可以创建具有逼真性能的更大声音。
Drums Of War 2 enhances the percussive palette with intense, soundtrack-ready percussion instruments. Expanding our Drums Of War product line and setting the pace for the future. Drums Of War 2 is a powerful follow-up to the classic Drums Of War library, now with Kontakt Player and NKS encoding! With the original Drums Of War 1 library focusing on capturing a huge sound, embodied in cinematic textures, we wanted to create a follow-up with specific instrumentation and production techniques to provide a new way of working. We recorded individual percussion instruments, and we created Ensemble patches by double, triple, and quadruple-tracking. This is a powerful effect for creating a larger sound with realistic performance.
