枫木鼓音源 Maple Drums KONTAKT

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Premier Artist Maple Drums 是在紧凑干燥的环境中录制的,使用普通鼓棒 1 个力度层和 […]



Premier Artist Maple Drums 是在紧凑干燥的环境中录制的,使用普通鼓棒 1 个力度层和 24 个循环。军鼓是黑美人。我想让鼓的声音尽可能不被触动,所以我对声音做了一些最小化的处理,以保持鼓的声音听起来真实但有力量,这样你就可以在音乐中开箱即用。混音时可以随意处理鼓,没有太多问题,您可以放置??压缩器或 eq ……轻松,无需为获得声音而进行斗争。我喜欢我的鼓未经处理,这样我就可以塑造自己的声音。
The Premier Artist Maple Drums were recorded in a tight and dry environment with normal drum sticks 1 velocity layer and 24 round robin. The snare drum is black beauty. I wanted to leave the drums sound un touched as much as possible, so I did a minimal prosses to the sound to keep the drums sounding real but to have power so you can use it out of the box in your music. The drums can be processed as you like it without a lot of problem when you mix, you can put your compressors or eq …with ease, there is no process that you need to fight in order to get your sound. I love my drums to be un processed so I can shape my own sound.
