现代流行鼓音源 PRiSM Modern Pop Drums KONTAKT

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PRISM 革命性的界面让音乐家和音乐制作人能够按照自己的方式进行令人难以置信的电子打击乐表演。轻松访问虚拟的 […]



PRISM 革命性的界面让音乐家和音乐制作人能够按照自己的方式进行令人难以置信的电子打击乐表演。轻松访问虚拟的无穷无尽的鼓选项意味着您将花费更少的时间搜索声音,而将更多的时间用于充分利用您的音乐。重要提示:PRISM Modern Pop Drums 需要完整版的 Kontakt 或更高版本(补丁不会在免费的 Kontakt 播放器中运行)。但是,如果您不使用 Kontakt 播放器,您也可以将样本单独用作波形文件。注重质量而不是数量——所有样品都经过了时间的考验。它们被用于累积超过 1 亿次观看的曲目中。 (主要是流行唱片,尤其是 Shazam 和 LEGO 2 预告片)。
PRISM’s revolutionary interface gives musicians and music producers the power of incredible electronic percussion performance on their own terms. Easy access to a virtual endless array of drum options means you’ll spend less time searching for sounds and more time making the most of your music. IMPORTANT NOTE : PRISM Modern Pop Drums requires the full version of Kontakt or higher (the patches will not run in the free Kontakt Player). However You can also use the samples independently as wave files if you don’t use the Kontakt Player. Focus on quality over quantity – all the samples have passed the test of time. They were used in tracks cumulating over 100 millions of views. (mostly pop records and notably the Shazam and LEGO 2 trailer).
