专为 Kontakt 5.6.0(需要完整版)制作,我们的库包含 140 种采样打击乐器,大部分来自阿拉伯半岛。历史上第一次,制作人和作曲家能够以令人难以置信的深度和用户友好性捕捉这些乐器的精髓。各种尺寸的框架鼓构成了大部分乐器,包括 Zeer、Ranna、Kaser、Darabuka、Mesendo 等等。还包括来自世界其他地区的各种打击乐器,因为制作人经常将阿拉伯打击乐合奏与来自世界各地的一些打击乐器融合在一起,为他们的 Khaliji 音乐增添现代气息。
Made for Kontakt 5.6.0 (full version required), our library contains 140 sampled percussion instruments, mostly from the Arabian Peninsula. For the first time in history, producers and composers can capture the essence of these instruments with such incredible depth and user-friendliness. Frame drums in various sizes make up the majority of the instruments, with Zeer, Ranna, Kaser, Darabuka, Mesendo, and many more. Various percussion instruments from other parts of the world are also included, as producers often fuse an Arabian percussion ensemble with some percussion instruments from around the world to give their Khaliji music a modern flavor.