大提琴独奏音源 Magnetar Cello v1.0 KONTAKT

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一个独奏大提琴库,专为作曲家、制作人和词曲作者在混合音乐环境中创作音乐而设计。包括由世界著名的音乐会大提琴家和 […]



一个独奏大提琴库,专为作曲家、制作人和词曲作者在混合音乐环境中创作音乐而设计。包括由世界著名的音乐会大提琴家和作曲家在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶录制的各种短发音、效果和长乐句。 Magnetar Cello 包含清晰的大提琴独奏发音,包括 detaché、spiccato、martelé、staccato、pizzicato 和 col legno。除了样本之外,还有多种效果,包括滑音、颤音、弹跳弓和 21 世纪扩展技术。使用循环界面自定义 48 个独特的大提琴杆,可以重新调整音高并将速度锁定到主机。
A solo cello library designed for composers, producers, and songwriters making music in hybrid musical contexts. Included are a variety of short articulations, effects, and long phrases performed by world-renown concert cellist and composer recorded in Los Angeles, California. Magnetar Cello contains crisp solo cello articulations of detaché, spiccato, martelé, staccato, pizzicato, and col legno. In addition to the samples, there are a variety of effects that include glissandi, tremolandi, ricochet bows, and 21st Century extended techniques. Customize 48 unique cello stems using the loops interface which can be re-pitched and tempo locked to host.
