电影弦乐合集 Cinematic String Theory Collection

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环境电影弦理论合集。这确实是某些事情比其各个部分的总和更好的情况之一。我们为 Kontakt 录制和发布电吉他 […]



环境电影弦理论合集。这确实是某些事情比其各个部分的总和更好的情况之一。我们为 Kontakt 录制和发布电吉他和原声吉他库已超过 6 年。我们第一次将我们所有的吉他库打包在一个美丽而强大的效果引擎中,该引擎位于 Kontakt 内部。除了干净干爽的声音外,我们还打包了许多声音设计补丁供您使用。从深沉、摇摆不定的低音到天堂般的通风垫——这里有适合每个人的东西。我们特别喜欢的是复合音色,我们将各种打击垫和引线组合在一起,在您的指尖下创造出完整的音景。我们为我们开发的两个 mod-wheel multis 感到非常自豪。一个允许您通过移动调制轮从弹拨电吉他过渡到静音。另一个允许您使用调制轮从正在弹拨的原声吉他移动到正在弹拨的八度谐波。好东西!
The Ambient Cinematic String Theory Collection. This is truly one of those instances where something is better than the sum of its individual parts. We’ve been recording and releasing electric and acoustic guitar libraries for Kontakt for over 6 years. For the first time we have taken all of our guitar libraries and wrapped them together inside a beautiful and powerful effects engine housed inside of Kontakt. In addition to clean and dry sounds, we’ve packed in a host of sound design patches for you to use. From deep, wobbly basses to heavenly, airy pads – there’s something here for everyone. Our particular favourites are the multis, where we are brought together various pads and leads to create a complete soundscape under your fingertips. We’re quite proud of two mod-wheel multis we’ve developed. One allows you to transition from an electric guitar being plucked to being muted by just moving the mod-wheel. The other allows you to use the mod-wheel to move from an acoustic guitar being plucked to the octave harmonics being plucked. Great stuff!
