民族弦乐短语继续我们深入印度和中国文化的旅程。它是作曲家的工具箱,旨在捕捉现场演奏乐器的非凡魔力。 Esraj & Erhu 乐句体现了诚实的情感表达,是音乐的核心。提供两种传统弦乐器的巨大活力。一种令人难以置信的真诚感觉,使它能够活跃每一个音乐环境。结果是一种多功能且易于使用的乐器,具有各种各样的压倒性弦乐句。
Ethnic String Phrases continues our journey deep within the cultures of India and China. It is a toolbox for composers, invented to capture the exceptional magic of live performed instruments. Esraj & Erhu phrases embody the honest emotional expression being the core of music. Providing the enormous vitality of two traditional string instruments. An unbelievably sincere feeling, enabling it to enliven every musical setting. The outcome is a versatile and easy-to-use instrument with a huge variety of overwhelming string phrases.