福布斯管风琴音源 Forbes Pipe Organ KONTAKT

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体验 O:福布斯管风琴采样自圣路易斯奥比斯波表演艺术中心著名的 Harold Miossi 音乐厅。这款 VS […]



体验 O:福布斯管风琴采样自圣路易斯奥比斯波表演艺术中心著名的 Harold Miossi 音乐厅。这款 VST 管风琴为经典乐器带来了全新的方法和现代功能。使用 O,您无需成为受过训练的风琴师即可重现管风琴的经典声音。 O 以声音和设计灵活性脱颖而出,提供现成的传统和现代管道组合以及在现代得分情况下提供出色的声音设计能力。体验这个精心录制的管风琴样本库的乐趣!
Experience O: Forbes Pipe Organ sampled from the renowned Harold Miossi Hall, at the Performing Arts Center in San Luis Obispo. This VST pipe organ brings a fresh approach and modern capabilities to a classic instrument. With O, you do not need to be a trained organist to reproduce the classic sound of a pipe organ. O sets itself apart with sonic and design flexibility, providing ready-made traditional and modern pipe combinations as well as sound design capabilities that deliver big in modern scoring situations. Experience the joy of this meticulously recorded Organ sample library!
