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STRINGPOOL 拥有 2.5GB 的精美演奏干净且纹理粗暴的小提琴弓弦,带有 BPM 同步调制轮速度控制 […]



STRINGPOOL 拥有 2.5GB 的精美演奏干净且纹理粗暴的小提琴弓弦,带有 BPM 同步调制轮速度控制 – 弹奏一个音符并移动调制轮以更快或更慢地拉弓,按下键盘以实现触后控制的音量膨胀。 STRINGPOOL 的设计过程意味着迫使小提琴演奏家 Sophia Bartlette 经历许多痛苦的曲折采样的日子(没有人真正喜欢采样——永远不要让他们让你产生其他想法)。当他们安静地啜饮咖啡时,索菲亚从她 200 年的乐器中取笑了几个小时优美抒情的长弓单音。对于每个音符,四种不同的弓弦速度带有一丝颤音。从这些小时的录音中,他们创造了数百个无缝、干净的单音循环和一组替代的“处理过的”样本,这些样本通过磁带、阀门和恶意软件损坏。然后将它们全部注入到一个复杂的 Kontakt 引擎中,该引擎具有简单的界面和丰富的表达可能性。? STRINGPOOL 的真正乐趣在于,您可以通过使用调制轮(或 CC1)的 BPM 同步弓箭速度分区实时变形,同时还可以使用您的键盘触后(或您选择的 CC)用于音量表达,以创建逼真的人类小提琴声音。
STRINGPOOL has 2.5GB of beautifully played clean and brutally textured violin bowing with BPM synced modwheel speed control – play a note and move the modwheel to bow faster or slower, push down on your keyboard for aftertouch controlled volume swelling. The design process of STRINGPOOL meant forcing virtuoso violinist Sophia Bartlette into many painful days of tortuous sampling (nobody really enjoys sampling – don’t ever let them make you think otherwise). While they quietly slurped coffee Sophia teased hours of beautifully lyrical long bowed single notes from her 200-year instrument. For every note, four different bowing speeds with a hint of vibrato. From these hours of recordings, they created hundreds of seamless, clean single note loops and an alternative set of ‘treated’ samples mangled through tape, valves and malarky. Then it was all poured into a complex Kontakt engine with a simple interface and wealth of expressive possibilities.? The true joy of STRINGPOOL is that you can morph in realtime through the BPM synced bowing tempo divisions with the modwheel (or CC1) while also using your keyboard aftertouch (or a CC of your choice) for volume expression to create realistically human violining sounds.
