作为我们 Vertigo 系列的另一成员,它继承了类似的声音特性,即 Vertigo 乐器的温暖和坚韧的音色。我们付出了很多努力来创建多样化的发音,让用户能够融合从微妙的音调到更具实验性的音景。我们的 Vertigo 引擎的效果部分使您能够调整声音以创建从舒适温暖的垫子到更粗糙的声音。总而言之,Vertigo Flute 是一款多功能且易于使用的工具,可用于雕刻适合电影的纹理,但在每个寻求有机、呼吸和独特音色的制作人中都同样有宾至如归的感觉。本质上,Vertigo Flute 是 16 种精心挑选的长笛发音和其他声音的混合物,可以自由混合,以直观和简单的方式满足您的创意愿景。
As a further member of our Vertigo series it inherits similar sonic characteristics, namely the warm and gritty tones of the Vertigo instruments. We put a lot of effort into creating a diverse range of articulations allowing the user to blend from subtle tones to more experimental soundscapes. The effects section of our Vertigo engine enables you to tweak sounds to create anything from cozy warm pads to rougher sounds. All in all, the Vertigo Flute is a versatile and easy to use tool for sculpting textures fitting for film but feeling equally at home among every producer looking for organic, breathy and unique timbres. Essentially Vertigo Flute is a melange of 16 meticulously selected flute articulations and additional sounds which can be mixed freely to fullfill your creative vision in an intuitive and easy way.