80年代复古合成器 You Know 6 KONTAKT

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今年的季节性产品是对神话般的 80 年代 DCO 复音合成器的致敬——“你知道”我提到的那个,从 GUI 上看 […]



今年的季节性产品是对神话般的 80 年代 DCO 复音合成器的致敬——“你知道”我提到的那个,从 GUI 上看很明显!!!首先,它有一个 DETUNE 控制,因此可以对波形进行失谐以获得更厚实的声音,可以与更严重的两个振荡器复音合成器相媲美。它还有一个多波 LFO(仅与原版的三角波相比),滤波器上的 12/24dB/OCtave 开关,也许最重要的是,有两个 ADSR 包络,比原版的一个包络有了很大的改进。不仅如此,我们还对两组波形进行了采样 – 一组具有原始的华丽硬壳、模拟水桶旅合唱的丰富、立体声和漩涡般的美妙,还有原始波形,让您拥有两全其美的效果。合唱组允许创建一些真正巨大的声音,尤其是使用失谐控制。
This year’s seasonal offering is an homage to the fabulous 80s DCO polysynth – ‘you know’ the one I refer to and it’s fairly obvious from the GUI!!! Firstly, it has a DETUNE control so that the waveforms can be detuned for a thicker sound that can rival the more serious two oscillator polysynths. It also has a multiwave LFO (compared with the original’s triangle wave only), a 12/24dB/OCtave switch on the filter and perhaps, most importantly, has two ADSR envelopes, a vast improvement over the original’s one envelope. Not just that but we’ve sampled two banks of waveforms – one with the original’s gorgeously crusty, analogue bucket brigade chorus in all its rich, stereo and swirly wondrousness but also the raw waveforms so that you have the best of both worlds. The chorused bank allows some truly massive sounds to be created, especially with the detune control.
